Disclaimers & Policies

In order to prevent consumer confusion possible trademark infringement and to protect the Trademark rights for each candy manufacturer, Sweet Treats Freeze Dried Candy has an obligation to inform all potential customers of the following:

  1. Sweet Treats Freeze Dried Candy is in no way affiliated with the candy manufacturers listed on our site.
  2. The Trademarks for these candies are exclusive to each manufacturer and is not owned or claimed to be owned by Sweet Treats Freeze Dried Candy .
  3. The freeze dried candy sold on this site is not created by or sold by the manufacturer of the actual candy.
  4. The candy that is used to freeze dry are authentic candies, however, once the candy has been freeze dried, the texture and sometimes the taste changes.
  5.  The candy sold on this site has been modified by Sweet Treats Freeze Dried Candy.

Product Disclaimer:

Sweet Treats Freeze Dried Candy thoroughly cleans each machine after every use, however, we do produce some items that contain peanuts. If you have an allergy to peanut products, we recommend that you do not purchase any of our items. We value your health and safety over a sale.